Its the Than Hsiang annual Food Fair!!! This year my parents are having a stall there again, just that this time, Its much larger than the one we had years ago. 3 stalls!!! But its not as easy as moving stocks to your stall and sell them on the very day.
There were a lot of preparations to do!!!
Last night, we had family friends over to help out with the labeling.

Here we have the Mah Family! Mr Mah and Mrs. Mah and the guy in the white shirt is my brother

Mah Jih Liang pasting the price tags

The Ng family packing chilli sauce and black sugar syrup

The mother, Mrs. Ng

Chiu Tsann...

anf Terrance, he wanted me to take this pic. xD

My mom

We were done labeling at 10pm. With this many manpower, we manage to finish all the above in an hour. Quite fast if you ask me
After all the preparations, we reach Than Hsiang at 7.30pm to set up the stall, arrange and move the stocks.

Red bean soup, homemade beancurd and 'Kee Chang' (my mom was up all night till 2am to steam those)

Vegetarian meat Fibre, vegetarian Chicken leg, vegetarian 'sambal hebe' and vegetarian 'ikan bilis'

These are books donated by a book supplier and are sold as RM1 while the cost is actually RM3.90

These are also toys and notebooks donated by the book supplier

This is my dad's Thit Ta Alcohol (use to apply on blueblack areas, work wonders!!), and my mom's garbage enzyme (use for waching)
Before its 9am (the actual purchasing time starts), there's a lady and his standard 1 son. Her mom spotted the exercise books for sale. And surely, nobody likes to be told to do homework when they expect to have fun and the day off. The kid started whining!!! He kicks and hit his mother as she was choosing the exercise books. To keep him quiet, the mother told him she's buying for other people. Only then he settles down momentarily, but later he notice it was for him and he hits his mom harder, kids these days are really wild. I myself will not like it, but I won't hit my mom or even protest in public.
Around 9 something, the place starts to pack up
Stall 22 was watched over by Meredy and her boy

Stall 21 by dad's friend, my brother and Hooi Chern. (She manage to escape from the camera. Hmm...)

Stall 20 by Mrs Mah, the 2 maids, Auntia Lau Mi Mi and my mom

Guess what?

we have a 卖花少年 and
少女 this year!!! xD

Jih Liang was taking pictures, I wonder how many did he took? Hmm...
Just look at the crowd, every table are full!

Here's the Than Ling plants area, watched over by Yong Wei and others.

Believe it or not? RM15 per pot, but they manage to finish it all at 1pm!!
A small discussion by Zhao Min and her brother

The amount of coupons stall 22 get!!!

The busy situation, before backups arrives

Bought this little guy, Bloo for RM2 only!!

Here we have Jin Mei and Wei Fang as this year's MC

Flipping here, flipping there... xD
Around 12.40pm, Zuga and Adrian finally arrives the fair

The quite popuar Ice Kacang

After Zuga finish taking pictures downstairs, we went to the 5th floor. As I heard there's a function on the 5th floor, to my surprise, its empty. Oh well, we sat down by the side and chat. While waiting for the Balik Pulau NS candidates to arrive, which I heard they're arriving at 2pm.

Zuga checking the photos he took earlier
Around 1.45pm, I urge the guys to head down to wait, but that's when we heard noise from the stairs. We took a look and.... People in blue shirt were walking up the stairs!!! And to our surprise, we saw Kenny!!! Not much of a surprise as we were there to see Kenny.

Quit moving!!! Hahaha.... Really excited to see him again. This time he have nothing to hide his botak head

This picture was meant to have Adrian in the picture. xD
Around 1.30pm, we are sold out. Even though the food fair ends at 3pm, but we don't have anything to sell and the crowd dispersed. And so we close our stall and head home.
Before saying goodbye to Than Hsiang, just look at the car park!! Full house!!!

Its already quite empty here

Didn't manage to take pictures of all the helpers at our stall today, especially that tricky Hooi Chern. xD I guess we did have fun. I know I did! Next year, I'll be taking out my old toys. xD Shh....